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Großer Maritimer Eingang in Devon
VESP Architects
VESP Architects
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen29 BewertungenProfil ansehen

Beechwood - front elevation

Located in a wooded area of coastline above South Sands in Salcombe, the design for this replacement dwelling looked to create a modern home that sits comfortably within its setting but also maximises connection and views out to the surrounding landscape and coast. A simple palette of natural materials reflects the wooded surroundings. The house is predominantly clad in timber, used in panels of either thick planks or narrow battens to give variety. White render and stone make up the rest of the palette, though key areas are finished in a bright rust-red Corten steel, adding colour and character to the neutral tones of wood and stone.
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