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Geräumiges, Offenes Uriges Heimkino mit brauner Wandfarbe, braunem Boden, Teppichboden und Leinwand in Los Angeles
Cinergy Construction
Cinergy Construction
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen2 BewertungenProfil ansehen

Blueridge Dr.

This was a detached building from the main house just for the theater. The interior of the room was designed to look like an old lodge with reclaimed barn wood on the interior walls and old rustic beams in the ceiling. In the process of remodeling the room we had to find old barn wood that matched the existing barn wood and weave in the old with the new so you could not see the difference when complete. We also had to hide speakers in the walls by Faux painting the fabric speaker grills to match the grain of the barn wood on all sides of it so the speakers were completely hidden. We also had a very short timeline to complete the project so the client could screen a movie premiere in the theater. To complete the project in a very short time frame we worked 10-15 hour days with multiple crew shifts to get the project done on time. The ceiling of the theater was over 30’ high and all of the new fabric, barn wood, speakers, and lighting required high scaffolding work.
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