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Mediterranes Haus mit Steinfassade in New York

Casa San Marino

Hideaway, Le Marche - San Marino, Italy A historical Hideaway. Image courtesy on the realtor, Leo Trippi. A well-hidden place where the spirit finds its peace, nested between the Romagna, the Marches and Tuscany. Entering the gate, one leaves behind the pace of chaotic lives, and abandons itself to the joy of living of this ancient land. It is meant to be understood as a site of experience, where nature, culture, history and pleasure are elevated to the centre of things in order to finally rediscover it in oneself. A sort of “back to the simplicity”, aiming to dedicate oneself to observation and drawing from it valuable experiences for one’s life. Each of the three houses presents itself as an unexpected world in its own right, closed in on itself and yet a harmonious part of the whole, waiting to be enlivened by lively laughter, animated conversation and playfulness. This territory is a paradise for lovers of nature and the great outdoors. The sheer variety of places and landscapes enables visitors to take excursions on foot, on horseback or by mountain bike. History and architecture enthusiasts can follow an itinerary of strongholds and castles dotted around the area. Lovers of gourmet food will discover a full range of traditional dishes and quality local produce all year round. The rich variety of museums enables exploration into the rural arts, medieval architecture, archaeological finds and contemporary art.
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