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Mittelgroßes Landhaus Haus in Sonstige
30X40 Design Workshop
30X40 Design Workshop
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen4 BewertungenProfil ansehen

Cove House

A residence designed for informal gathering and relaxation on a quiet cove near Acadia National Park. Conceived of as a compound of connected gathering spaces with adjacent private retreat spaces. The "village" of structures is designed to open and close seasonally with large sliding barn doors. These also modulate light, air and views into and out of the cottages. Carefully positioned to take advantage of the rich variety of views and sloping topography, the cottages have integral terraces and retaining walls to negotiate the undulating land-form. One arrives at the high point of the site and the long barn axis and navigates between the cottages to the main entrance. Once inside, the home deliberately reveals unique views to the ocean, mountains and surrounding spruce forest.
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Kara Hanson hat dies zu Kara's Ideas hinzugefügt12. Juni 2023

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