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Mittelgroßes, Repräsentatives, Fernseherloses, Abgetrenntes Klassisches Wohnzimmer mit grauer Wandfarbe, braunem Holzboden, Kamin, Kaminumrandung aus Stein und braunem Boden in Chicago
Esslinger Design Company
Esslinger Design Company
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen96 BewertungenProfil ansehen

Grand Living Room

The redesign of the fireplace was the starting point for the project and it was totally reimagined. We started with classic stacked stone. Custom floating cabinets were built to not only accommodate the floor vent but also for firewood storage. The mantel was the final piece of the puzzle and the shape was designed to follow the profile of the wall, then stained to match the home’s original woodwork. Seating was designed to encourage conversations and board games. Accents in gold, teal, and orange add personality. Unique wall sconces and an overhead pendant are the jewelry of the room. Photography by Picture Perfect House
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