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Einstöckiges Modernes Haus mit Mix-Fassade und beiger Fassadenfarbe in Seattle
Equine Facility Design
Equine Facility Design
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen10 BewertungenProfil ansehen

Ios Ranch

This existing hunter jumper boarding and training barn was completely renovated with demolition and replacement of existing stalls and support facilities. New aisle, stalls, groom, tack, feed, office and viewing room were constructed adjacent to the existing steel covered arena. The site provided opportunity to incorporate both active and passive solar design into the structure. South facing glass walls along a corridor and the viewing room, along with designed thermal storage in masonry mass and appropriate insulation creates a design which will keep occupants comfortable and lower energy costs. The stall walls are lined with bamboo lumber. Induction lighting fixtures are installed throughout the barn and arena to reduce energy consumption. Photos by Martin Bydalek - See more at: http://equinefacilitydesign.com/project-item/ios-ranch#sthash.fXRT0oHt.dpuf
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Ios Ranch

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