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Großes Mediterranes Sportbecken hinter dem Haus in rechteckiger Form mit Wasserspiel und Betonplatten in Austin
John Pack Custom Pools
John Pack Custom Pools
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.9 von 5 Sternen48 BewertungenProfil ansehen


Impressive and formal are great words to describe this outdoor space. A Mediterranean feel all around with columns flanking either end of the pool, a rectangular pool shape with the curved ends and a magnificent statue centered to attract all of the attention of every guest. Bubblers direct your eye toward the centerpiece and allow you to take it all in from the middle out. Urns adorn the pool on all sides with beautiful draping flowers and seating at both ends of the pool give you areas to relax throughout the patio area. The pool itself features wide steps at one end and a sitting bench in the center to admire the grandness of the center statue. Sheer decent waterfalls border the center on either side for balance and also give additional details to the backdrop of the space. An outdoor eating area nuzzles up to one end so snacks and meals can be enjoyed with the ambiance of the pool. A bench at the other end gives a quiet reading space while enjoying the sounds of the water (and watching the children). What a gorgeous backdrop this is to a lush backyard space.
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wall with spill ways and pots

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