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Mittelgroßes Pool im Vorgarten Ideen und Design

Vista dalla piscina
Vista dalla piscina
23ARCHITETTURE . Architettura - Interni - Design23ARCHITETTURE . Architettura - Interni - Design
ph. Michele Gusmeri
Mittelgroßer Country Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Dielen in Mailand
Дом на реке | Barn by a River
Дом на реке | Barn by a River
Фотограф Михаил Поморцев / Pro.FotoФотограф Михаил Поморцев / Pro.Foto
Архитектор, автор проекта – Дмитрий Позаренко Проект и реализация ландшафта – Ирина Сергеева, Александр Сергеев | Ландшафтная мастерская Сергеевых Фото – Михаил Поморцев | Pro.Foto
niguel west mid-century modern
niguel west mid-century modern
Moss Yaw Design studioMoss Yaw Design studio
A small pool and spa at the rear yard are a feature at the spacious and private rear yard, framed by the natural coastal hillside landscape
Mittelgroßer Mid-Century Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Betonplatten in Orange County
Johnson Street
Johnson Street
Craig Reynolds Landscape ArchitectureCraig Reynolds Landscape Architecture
Tamara Alvarez
Mittelgroßes Pool im Vorgarten in Miami
Villa Sopra Pevero
Villa Sopra Pevero
Il progetto di restyling e di arredo per questa villa moderna in fase di costruzione, ha voluto unire contemporaneità e tradizione, tema importante nei nostri progetti. Dell’architettura della Costa Smeralda abbiamo recuperato i colori caldi e tenui, la sensazione di uno spazio avvolgente, quasi naturale, declinato in chiave moderna e lineare. L’ambiente principale, la zona giorno era caratterizzata da un corridoio stretto che con due pareti inclinate si affacciava bruscamente sulla sala. Per armonizzare il rapporto tra gli ambienti e i cambi di quota, abbiamo scelto di raccordare le linee di pareti e soffitto con un rivestimento in granito rigato, che richiami i lavori di Sciola e impreziosisca l’ingresso. Il decoro rigato viene richiamato in altri elementi di arredo, come nella camera da letto e nel bagno, nei pannelli in rovere che rivestono la testiera del letto e il mobile lavabo. Il granito si ripropone nel rivestimento della piscina, nei complementi di arredo e nel top cucina. Nel soffitto, il tono grigio chiaro luminoso del granito viene riproposto all’interno delle campiture centrali. Il richiamo alla tradizione è presente anche negli elementi di decoro tessile utilizzati in tutta la casa. In sala, i toni neutri e giallo oro dei tappeti di mariantoniaurru, richiamano la tradizione in maniera contemporanea e allo stesso modo il pannello Cabulè, disegnato dallo studio, impreziosisce la camera da letto e ne migliora l’acustica. Per la cucina è stato scelto, infine, un look semplice, total white, adatto ad un ambiente funzionale e luminoso. Gli arredi sono tutti in legno, granito e materiali tessili; veri, quasi rustici, ma al tempo stesso raffinati. The project involves a detailed restyling of a modern under construction villa, and it aims to join contemporary and traditional features, such as many of our projects do. From the Costa Smeralda architecture, we borrowed warm and soft colors, and that atmosphere in which the environment seems to embrace the guests, and we tried to translate it into a much modern design. The main part of the project is the living room, where a narrow hall, would lead, through two opening walls, abruptly facing the wall. To improve the balance between hall and ling room, and the different ceiling heights it was decided to cover the walls and ceiling with striped granite covering, recalling Sciola’s work and embellishing the entrance. Striped decor recurs throughout the house, like in the walnut panels covering the bedroom headboard and the bathroom sink cabinet. Granite is present on the pool borders, in furniture pieces and on the kitchen top. The ceiling, thanks to a light grey shade, recalls the granite impression. In the living room, golden yellow details appear in mariantoniaurru carpets, while in the bedroom, Cabulè textile panels, designed by the Studio, improve acoustic performance. For the kitchen we picked out a simple, total white look, to focus on its feature of functional and luminous environment. All the furniture pieces are made of natural wood, granite or textile material, to underline the feeling of something true, rustic but at the same time sophisticated. Traditional elements are also present, all the while translated in modern language, on many textile furnishing accessories chosen.
Residence B
Residence B
Architectural 3D Rendering / ArtFuse Inc.Architectural 3D Rendering / ArtFuse Inc.
ArtFuse Studios
Oberirdischer, Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form in Los Angeles
cpopp workshopcpopp workshop
Whole house remodel of a mid-century modern cmu home built in the 1950's. Warm white walls with solid walnut floor planks and walnut millwork. Chocolate Corian countertops. Large format porcelain tile. Heath Ceramics backsplash. Mike Graff
Cedar Architect Design SoftwareCedar Architect Design Software
Designed and Rendered with Cedar Architect
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool in individueller Form mit Dielen in Kansas City
Cunningham | Quill ArchitectsCunningham | Quill Architects
Photo by David Burroughs
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Natursteinplatten in Washington, D.C.
Texas Bluebonnets House in East Texas
Texas Bluebonnets House in East Texas
3D Green Planet Architects3D Green Planet Architects
North view with pool and retaining barrier 3D design
Mittelgroßes Mediterranes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Betonplatten in Houston
Ocean Bluff-Winner Santa Barbara Beautiful 2013
Ocean Bluff-Winner Santa Barbara Beautiful 2013
Margie Grace - Grace Design AssociatesMargie Grace - Grace Design Associates
Dragon tree mulched in pebbles, with Stepstone, inc. concrete pavers, grasses, and a pool make for a great outdoor living space. Holly Lepere
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool mit Betonboden in Santa Barbara
Trabajos Eon Interiorismo
Trabajos Eon Interiorismo
Eon InteriorismoEon Interiorismo
Diseño exterior para reforma de un chalet de estilo mediterráneo.
Mittelgroßer Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Pool-Gartenbau und Natursteinplatten in Alicante-Costa Blanca
TipTop Haus
TipTop Haus
SOLSTICE Planning and ArchitectureSOLSTICE Planning and Architecture
The front-facing pool and elevated courtyard becomes the epicenter of the entry experience and the focal point of the living spaces.
Oberirdisches, Mittelgroßes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Wasserspiel und Betonboden in Tampa
Keyserkill Party Barn Pool
Keyserkill Party Barn Pool
Heritage Restorations CTHeritage Restorations CT
The Hoppes were inspired to buy a vintage barn after seeing similar structures on a trip to the Cotswolds in England.
Mittelgroßes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Wasserspiel und Betonplatten in Houston
Lake Travis Treehouse (Composite)
Lake Travis Treehouse (Composite)
The huge deck divided by this crystal clear pool provide the perfect outdoor space for entertaining or relaxing. Built by Jenkins Custom Homes.
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Dielen in Austin
Casa Miró Rivera
Casa Miró Rivera
Miró Rivera ArchitectsMiró Rivera Architects
Paul Finkel | Piston Design
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form in Austin
Island Village Compound
Island Village Compound
Patrick Ahearn ArchitectPatrick Ahearn Architect
Greg Premru
Mittelgroßer Klassischer Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Natursteinplatten in Boston
Extensión y reforma integral en Sag Harbor
Extensión y reforma integral en Sag Harbor
Donaire Milans ArquitectosDonaire Milans Arquitectos
fotografía © Montse Zamorano
Mittelgroßes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form in New York
Villa des Cimes
Villa des Cimes
Nathalie Odiot Architecture d'IntérieurNathalie Odiot Architecture d'Intérieur
Mittelgroßer Mediterraner Pool in L-Form mit Pool-Gartenbau in Marseille
Arroyo Seco ConstructionArroyo Seco Construction
Keith Bartlett
Oberirdisches, Mittelgroßes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Wasserspiel und Dielen in Santa Barbara

Mittelgroßes Pool im Vorgarten Ideen und Design

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