Modernes Pool im Vorgarten Ideen und Design
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SOLSTICE Planning and Architecture
The front-facing pool and elevated courtyard becomes the epicenter of the entry experience and the focal point of the living spaces.
Oberirdisches, Mittelgroßes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Wasserspiel und Betonboden in Tampa
Oberirdisches, Mittelgroßes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Wasserspiel und Betonboden in Tampa
Best Builders ltd
Barry Calhoun Photography
Geräumiger, Oberirdischer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Betonplatten in Vancouver
Geräumiger, Oberirdischer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Betonplatten in Vancouver
G Family Construction & G Design
Großer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Betonplatten in San Francisco
Schwartz and Architecture
Matthew Millman
Kleiner Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Betonplatten und Wasserspiel in San Francisco
Kleiner Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Betonplatten und Wasserspiel in San Francisco
Cunningham | Quill Architects
Photo by David Burroughs
Kleiner Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Natursteinplatten in Washington, D.C.
Kleiner Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form mit Natursteinplatten in Washington, D.C.
PAN Architetti
Fin dai primi sopralluoghi ci ha colpito il rapporto particolare che il sito ha con lo splendido scenario della Alpi Apuane, una visuale privilegiata della catena montuosa nella sua ampiezza, non inquinata da villette “svettanti”. Ci è parsa quindi prioritaria la volontà di definire il progetto in orizzontale, creando un’architettura minima, del "quasi nulla" che riportasse alla mente le costruzioni effimere che caratterizzavano il litorale versiliese prima dell’espansione urbanistica degli ultimi decenni. La costruzione non cerca così di mostrarsi, ma piuttosto sparire tra le siepi di confine, una sorta di vela leggera sospesa su esili piedritti e definita da lunghi setti orizzontali in cemento faccia-vista, che definiscono un ideale palcoscenico per le montagne retrostanti.
Un intervento calibrato e quasi timido rispetto all’intorno, che trova la sua qualità nell’uso dei diversi materiali con cui sono trattare le superficie. La zona giorno si proietta nel giardino, che diventa una sorta di salone a cielo aperto mentre la natura, vegetazione ed acqua penetrano all’interno in un continuo gioco di rimandi enfatizzato dalle riflessioni create dalla piscina e dalle vetrate. Se il piano terra costituisce il luogo dell’incontro privilegiato con natura e spazio esterno, il piano interrato è invece il rifugio sicuro, lontano dagli sguardi e dai rumori, dove ritirarsi durante la notte, protetto e caratterizzato da un inaspettato ampio patio sul lato est che diffonde la luce naturale in tutte gli spazi e le camere da letto.
Kasten Builders
Photo by Paul Dyer
Großes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Betonboden in San Francisco
Großes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Betonboden in San Francisco
Civic Steel Homes
Pool carefully incororated into the deck design to allow some respite from the summer sun.
Beautiful landscaping creating private grotto.
Mittelgroßes, Gefliestes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in L-Form in Sunshine Coast
Mittelgroßes, Gefliestes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in L-Form in Sunshine Coast
Bates Masi Architects LLC
Photo credit: Bates Masi + Architects
Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Dielen in New York
Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form mit Dielen in New York
Aqua-Link Pools and Spas
Built By Aqua-Link Pools and Spas
Designed by Marhnelle Hibbard in Collaboration with Aqua-Link Pools and Spas
Kleiner Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form in Orange County
Kleiner Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form in Orange County
Margie Grace - Grace Design Associates
Dragon tree mulched in pebbles, with Stepstone, inc. concrete pavers, grasses, and a pool make for a great outdoor living space.
Holly Lepere
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool mit Betonboden in Santa Barbara
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool mit Betonboden in Santa Barbara
Copper Leaf Interior Design Studio
Osborn Photographic Illustration , Inc.
Architect, Kent V Thompson, AIA;
Gillard Construction
Großes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form in Charleston
Großes Modernes Pool im Vorgarten in rechteckiger Form in Charleston
Miró Rivera Architects
Paul Finkel | Piston Design
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form in Austin
Mittelgroßer Moderner Pool in rechteckiger Form in Austin
Ocean Quest Pools by Lew Akins
2015 Southwest Regional Design Award Winner! After being told by three pool companies that a pool could not be built on this property, we were contacted. The solution for this project was obvious. The only feasible location was the front of the house.
A stucco wall that provides privacy from the street was designed to match the home’s entrance. The wall, as well as the stepping stone entry to the house, provides a dramatic entrance to this residence. As a visitor comes through the gate, they see a 15 foot by 3 foot reflecting pool on their left punctuated by a fire bowl on the far end. In order to get to the front door, visitors actually walk across the stepping stones in the reflecting pool.
The pool size was limited by the available space. Walkway space was not of high importance due to the amount of shade in the area. Three sheers on the raised beam are the only water features in the pool yet provide substantial noise that the client desired. By using varying heights of raised beam, multiple levels of landscape planters were created. Both the pool and reflecting pool have all tile interiors, complete automation, and a floor cleaning system. The patio surface is stamped concrete behind the smooth limestone coping.
Modernes Pool im Vorgarten Ideen und Design