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Moderner Pool in New York
Aquatic Artists
Aquatic Artists
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen1 BewertungProfil ansehen


Aquatic Artists designed and built this award-winning formal water feature in Millstone, NJ. Crafted to resemble a Miami South Beach look, this large formal grotto is topped off with an 11’ x 6’ custom fabricated piece of blue stone that creates a perfect sheet of water cascading over the grotto into this vinyl pool. This water feature also has two formal planting beds with sheer descent waterfalls on either side of the grotto. Lastly, we capped this water feature with natural stone coping and placed veneer stone on the face of the water feature as well as the inside of the grotto.
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Nate Wiger hat dies zu Grotto hinzugefügt19. Mai 2019

Full modern not as cool

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