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Offenes, Mittelgroßes, Repräsentatives Maritimes Wohnzimmer mit blauer Wandfarbe und hellem Holzboden in Boston
Sherman Associates
Sherman Associates
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.9 von 5 Sternen7 BewertungenProfil ansehen

Vineyard Lagoon Front

For this project we converted an old ranch house into a truly unique boat house overlooking the Lagoon. Our renovation consisted of adding a second story, complete with a roof deck and converting a three car garage into a game room, pool house and overall entertainment room. The concept was to modernize the existing home into a bright, inviting vacation home that the family would enjoy for generations to come. Both porches on the upper and lower level are spacious and have cable railing to enhance the stunning view of the Lagoon.

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