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POLL: What type of painting is your favorite?

Emily H
vor 8 Jahren
zuletzt bearbeitet:vor 8 Jahren

If you were to choose a piece of art for your wall, what would you want the type of subject to be?

VOTE and tell us about it in the comments!

Other - Tell us Below!

Kommentare (183)

  • diyer59
    vor 8 Jahren

    Give me a beautiful, serene beach painting any day and I'm very happy. In fact, that's all I have in my living room!

  • Dianne Wade
    vor 8 Jahren

    I agree with the statement about art being personal and diverse.

  • PRO
    Mark Bischak, Architect
    vor 8 Jahren

    Representational oil paintings.

  • Linus Reimann-Kaißer
    vor 8 Jahren

    I love watercolours. They are soft and dizzy and usually brighter than oil paintings.

  • unruli
    vor 8 Jahren

    Oh Linus......your comment elicited a surprised laugh from me. Even though I love the results I can achieve with watercolor, the process makes me want to throw things. As you lay watercolor onto paper it looks great, but then dries lighter and duller so it's not uncommon to have to lay multiple washes of a color in order to achieve the bright, saturated colors I love. Of course in laying down multiple washes you run the risk of mistakes and muddying the color......and watercolor is not a forgiving medium that allows for easy recovery from mistakes. It's infuriating.

    I like the results of my oils as well, but the process is so much more forgiving. I can get bright, saturated color with a brushstroke, but if I happen to make a mistake I can just scrape it off and fix it.

  • Dana Veach
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    Ain't that just the truth, unruli! I'm a fellow painter who also works in watercolor, and I have to agree with you. I began working with oils when I was just a small child, and continued into adulthood before switching to watercolors about twenty years ago. Though watercolor appears to yield such "simple" and "subtle" results, the medium is so much more complex and difficult to master. One must learn the characteristics and peculiarities of each individual pigment as well as how they interact with each other...with varying amounts of water...with different types of paper and other grounds. It is often, as you say, a frustrating and infuriating process...but the "happy accidents" can produce effects unachievable in any other medium. I was just giving a lesson to a friend yesterday who is an adult "beginning artist"; one must try not to overwhelm said beginner with all the complexities while steering her to purchase what she needs in order not to become frustrated right out of the gate by the pitfalls of inferior pigments, brushes, papers, etc. Still...it is a beautifully rewarding medium. I sometimes use acrylics, inks, colored pencils, collage, and computer manipulated images in my work as well, but I remain enchanted by the pure lovely power of watercolor. There are times when nothing else will do!

  • lllii
    vor 8 Jahren

    @unruli said "... bright, saturated color..."
    That is what it is that I love in a painting. I really love
    Unruli's top painting. I also like a distinctness - not sure the words to
    use - but sharp contrast, clearly defined objects. (Like Unruli's top painting!) And a
    little impressionistic, I like paintings to be of an easily recognizable object
    but not super detailed - to me, I admire the talent, but exact replication is for photographs...

    Some paintings to me are like a meal with complex yet subtle flavors - when you
    remember it, there is actually more there that you mind filled in. When
    you visit it again, you realize you imagined part of it, but you go away and remember even more
    lovely surprises that you are probably imagining into it. Somehow it's always new, always surprising. Magical.
    If that makes sense....

  • PRO
    vor 8 Jahren

    Linus, thank you! I feel that watercolor has been misunderstood for so long. Contemporary, well-executed watercolors can easily compete with oils (and win) when it comes to vibrant color and freshness!

  • Nance Lee
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    This is actually getting funny.

    Looking very closely at everything in my home, in addition to the many prints/paintings/hangings of people I already found is a '20s style Cupid print in the guest room I initially missed in the counting.

    Then in the non-hanging art category there is: a Tlaloc (Aztec rain god) statue on the bookshelf; a Buddha on my husband's dressing table; a firescreen with an image of an old fashioned couple in Dicken's garb; and a carved soapstone "lovey people" on the mantel! People, people everywhere I look! Even the incense burner has a Hindu Shiva holding the stick!

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren

    i on the other hand have very few people.

  • Nance Lee
    vor 8 Jahren

    And I'm an introvert!

  • ithad2bu
    vor 8 Jahren

    Everything except abstract.

  • PRO
    Stella Michael
    vor 8 Jahren

    I thought this might be of interest (It discusses 1. personality traits according to what type of art people like and 2. traits according to the degree to which people are interested or not interested in art [at all] ...

    "Art preferences
    [1] Studies
    into art preferences – the extent to which individuals like or dislike
    different styles of paintings – have represented the dominant approach in the
    area of personality and art.

    A wide variety of
    personality factors has been investigated, including conservatism, openness,
    schizotypy, tolerance for ambiguity and, in particular, sensation seeking.
    These studies have shown that there are predictable links between personality
    and specific art preferences, notably the correlation between Conservatism or
    Conscientiousness and preferences for traditional/representational, rather than
    abstract or cubist, art. Conversely, Openness to Experience has been linked to
    preferences for non-traditional styles.

    We conducted what may be the largest-scale study on personality and
    art preferences ever run. Developed to tie in with the TV series How Art Made
    the World, and run on the BBC website, 91,162 people took part in this study. One
    clear effect is the difference between representational art, typified by
    impressionism, and less representational art, like abstract expressionism and
    cubism. People who preferred representational art were significantly more
    agreeable and conscientious, and less open to new experiences, than those who
    rated the more abstract works.

    Demographic variables
    influenced preferences, too. Men tended to prefer cubist and renaissance art,
    whereas women preferred traditional Japanese paintings and impressionism.
    Younger people preferred the more modern forms of abstract and cubist art,
    whereas older people preferred impressionism and Japanese art.

    But overall, art preferences
    seemed more dependent on personality traits than on demographic factors.

    [2] Factor
    analysis can help us understand how people evaluate paintings. Whilst different
    personality traits are associated with different styles of paintings, there is
    also a general tendency for individuals to like or dislike all kind of
    paintings. For example, you may prefer cubism to impressionism, but, at the
    same time, your average rating will be higher or lower than others’.

    personality trait that seems most relevant when it comes to predicting higher
    levels of overall artistic preference is Openness to Experience, a trait that
    refers to individual differences in aesthetic sensitivity, intellectual curiosity,
    imagination, and innovation striving. So artists can be considered prime
    examples of individuals high in Openness to Experience’ "

    The link : https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-20/edition-2/personality-and-art

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren

    In my experience, such tests are often highly affected by the tester and therefore have little value in the real world. i sincerely hope that this test is not being held up to your fellow houzzers who have been kind enough to participate in this poll.

  • PRO
    Stella Michael
    vor 8 Jahren

    I don't understand what the problem is or what is being read into this. I thought it was interesting and so thought I would share as it seemed relevant to what we were discussing ... not disparaging to any personality type. It takes all types to make the world work, we all contribute something different. This was conducted by the BBC so has no vested interest one way or the other but as they say, part of their series on art.

    They found that at one end of the continuum peoples' art choices showed they tended to be more agreeable and conscientious, and the other end tended to be more open to new experiences (not mutually exclusive) ... both positive attributes as far as I can see (according to degree on both sides) , just different ... and the continuum is well represented on here as many people like varying degrees of all art and some more strongly prefer certain types.

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren

    I have just seen too often where people not fully understanding such a test then use it to judge someone. I personally prefer not to be judged by it. Unfortunately we have already related what we like or not so therefore can be judged by others based on the information you have shared. i am sure you meant no harm, but i have seen these things cause great harm.

  • User
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    Well, I probably will blow up the test with my preferences. My favorite artists are Toulouse Lautrec (not so much the poster art he did though), Salvadore Dali, Monet, Matisse and Afremov. I like some of Klimt's work as well. Styles I guess would be impressionism and surrealism. Anyway, art, as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Here's a camel with pink lips I think is cute too. :D

    Art · Mehr Info

  • kranno
    vor 8 Jahren
    Can you really apply an art test to personalities? I like a lot of different types and mediums and I like the art depicted at the beginning of this article. I collected Renoir prints long ago because of the subjects and his disability. Maybe the test defines me in my sometimes preference of artists also like Manet, Monet, Lautrec, Klimt, Matisse, Cezanne, Degas, etc. At present, I like some Abstract art that is colorful and makes sense to me for interior decorating purposes and I buy some local art. Tastes change.
  • PRO
    Stella Michael
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    kranno from experience almost everything we do can be seen as part of different perspectives/system, it says something about us (the food we eat, what time we wake up, morning/evening person, our handwriting etc) this is true for most personality typing that few people are at the extremes although we all tend to have some preferences. They are just tools to help us understand ourselves and others ... makes life interesting.

    I agree tastes change, as does behaviour. As we get older we are more likely to become more integrated although some people go the other way and become more extreme.

    I too like different types of art although lean to abstract, I have a variety of other types in my home. Funnily I like to do a lot of travelling to big open spaces in different countries but have no landscapes in my home. I am naturally curious so like looking at things from different perspectives and with an interest in psychology this seemed to fit in well with this conversation so I thought I'd offer it.

  • sirpeabody
    vor 8 Jahren

    This conversation reminds me of my all time favorite New Yorker cartoon :)

  • Dana Veach
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    Thank you, stellahome, for your input...I appreciate your perspective and enjoyed reading the information garnered in the BBC study. No individual will ever be entirely "pigeon-holed" by such a study...such tests merely offer general insights. Just as there are personalities who "skew" one direction or another in any test or study, there will always be persons who attempt to apply "labels" for the sake of "judgement" and "confinement." It speaks more of the fear of the persons doing the judging than of any "fault" of the test...of the need to "wall off" what they perceive as "different than self" and apparently, therefore, find potentially threatening. Should we stop studying the world around us and gaining new information and understanding because some people might feel threatened by new knowledge that challenges their previously held assumptions? Heaven forbid! As an example...that might be unwelcome to people who don't believe as I do...(it is not my intention to argue or proselytize) I am a Christian with a firm belief in the truth of the Bible. I welcome new discoveries in science, archaeology, history, etc. because I believe that God is big enough to deal with anything that appears to contradict His revealed Scriptural account. I start with a belief in a good and loving God and take my questions to Him. I don't have to be threatened by "new" information, studies, tests, etc. Anyone is free to believe or disbelieve as he or she chooses. If I am true to my belief system, I also believe that there are consequences of our choices and beliefs...but someone else's choices are not my responsibility. They get to review the same information I have and choose what they do or don't believe. This little poll on artistic preferences has turned into quite a psychological and philosophical discussion. I appreciate being able to contribute my perspective as well as reading those of my fellow Houzzers.

  • PRO
    Stella Michael
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    whynottryit I loved the camel, made me laugh! and my favourite colour is that deep pink so double tick! Where did you get it from? I have a number of camels in my flat, very funny, just realised that ... I have 2 pairs, one set made of leather from Petra in Jordan and another pair of wooden carved ones my mum bought me from Bethlehem ... I never thought of them as art before but yes, they are sculptures ... although none with pink lipstick! sirpeabody I love New Yorker cartoons and it was very appropriate, again made me smile ... I went to a talk at a book week in London last year by the ex-editor I think it was and he was very funny and gave a frank and amusing talk on the New Yorker cartoons and the selection process. I think am going to use that phrase whenever the situation arises "overblinking it ... ha!". Dana Veach thank you for a wonderful perspective and for allowing everyone else their own.

    Back to the artwork, loved the entrance to the Summer exhibition this year! Great piece of artwork, shame but fun to walk on. Then two pieces of art, loved the huge scale, one representational - great perspective of the moon! ... and one abstract, loved both but way out of my price bracket ('000s) so took photos (remember to click on them) ... would love to see more of other peoples' favourites.

    and for a bit of fun ...

  • streator
    vor 8 Jahren

    Long before anyone heard of Thomas Kinkade my husband was buying his paintings on canvas for me. I have over my fireplace "End of a Perfect Day", so far we have about 8. Putting a picture light over them shows the change of light as the day marches on. They touch my heart and even if no one else likes them I love them. When my sister died my husband bought me a canvas by Kinkade that is a rainy day in Carmel, California because we use to meet in Carmel once a year, and when my son found out he had cancer he bought me Beacon of Hope to remind me God is in charge. Since my husband is quite a good photographer as a hobby I have many of his photos around that captured times we spent together. Love them all.

  • PRO
    Khan Industries Co.
    vor 8 Jahren

    I egg shell white finish for walls & flat white for finish ceiling

  • User
    vor 8 Jahren

    @stellahome .. I normally have the link for my houzz pics but apparently not on that one. I believe it's called Kissing Camel and is an Oliver Gal piece but I can't seem to find it to confirm. I thought it was a great fun piece that I considered using in a bath but haven't ordered. I did a quick search and found a couple of pinterest entries but wasn't able to get to the original source. Glad you liked it!

  • lllii
    vor 8 Jahren

    @stellahome, that BBC study is very interesting.

    I am just one person so just anecdotal evidence, but I am pretty conservative in nature and I think I fit the study. (Though I'm female and would never seek out Japanese art) But I love art that depicts something.

    I like to think I am open to new experiences and ideas as the next person (but I'm probably really not), and I can be very non-conventional, especially in problem solving, but I really treasure tradition and I do think I become more consciously that way as I age. I'm no art expert, but when I hear "modern" and "abstract" and "cubism" I really do not like the images that come to mind. It's chaotic to me, and some of it actually irritates me.

    What I find interesting is that when I read that you said there was a study, I immediately thought to myself - it is probably my conservative nature that predisposes me toward more "realistic" art and away from the more abstract. I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 20. I remember shopping for earrings with a very liberal friend. She kept holding up dangly, weird looking to me, earrings. I kept saying "no, they're too... something..." and I settled on some small sparkly stud earrings. I remember she said "That's you. Conservative right down to your earrings." (I didn't really think about concepts like conservative or liberal at the time, but I recall sensing it was true and definitely a big part of why I didn't care for the dangly, attention drawing earrings.)

    When I think of my different friend's taste in art, I'm pretty sure most of them fit the study pretty well too. Very interesting.

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren

    Streator, i too appreciate mr. kincaid's ability to capture light. To me, it is like the prime goal almost in art i buy, capturing the natural light and mood of that moment. Hence the reason I own a western painting of a cow mud and oil rig. The sky is huge and incredible. I also think it was wonderful of your husband to purchase art work to go with the sad, yet important times of your life. May all your future purchases be for happy events.

  • { linda }
    vor 8 Jahren

    I picked "other". I put a lot of thought to what I put on my walls. It is emotive and meaningful to me and the most importantly, it makes me feel wonderful to be surrounded by it. I never tire of art that means something to me. Or hang a mirror for reflecting light. I do love large scale art!

  • { linda }
    vor 8 Jahren

    @diyer59 I love the idea of the single painting of a beach as your only image.... if it makes you happy, why not make it your only focal point. I bet it's wonderful.

  • cljakl
    vor 8 Jahren

    I chose art depending on how it appeals to me. I have landscapes, people, etc.. Not generally fond of abstract, but occasionally have seen pieces I like (although I don't own any). Truthfully most of what I have on my walls are photographs of family. I dId frame my grandfather's christening gown (which is over 100 years old) and it is beautiful.

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren

    art does come in the most unexpected ways.

  • redoredone
    vor 8 Jahren

    I voted "other" because I don't choose artwork based on the subject matter or on whether it "matches" my décor. My criteria is that I love it.

  • pdk920
    vor 8 Jahren

    The art in my house is either my own or that of artist friends, many subjects are local -- landscapes, old houses, still lifes. I work in various media and the art I have reflects that. I also have some photo prints and other prints of historic subjects. I don't care much for abstracts or big splashy art, partly because I really haven't the wall space for large dramatic pieces.

  • patatas
    vor 8 Jahren

    Anything that doesn't move - and yet vibrates

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren

    eww - eww, can I change my vote?

  • kathleen MK
    vor 8 Jahren
    I like variety. some art I admire but would not want in my home. I have mostly landscapes and still life paintings displayed from artists in my family. pretty classical in my taste.
  • Анна Смилянская
    vor 8 Jahren

    I like Abstract art. I write abstract paintings. So I convey emotions or ideas using pure color, tells the story at the level of sensations, impressions.Abstraction is able to vary depending on the mood of the viewer. The viewer not only sees the picture - he does it with the artist. / Я пишу абстрактные картины. Так я передаю эмоции или идеи с помощью чистого цвета, рассказываю истории на уровне ощущений, впечатлений.
    Абстракция способна меняться в зависимости от настроения зрителя. Зритель не просто созерцает картину — он творит ее вместе с художником, становясь соавтором. Каждый раз, когда вы смотрите на абстракцию, вы открываете ее новые грани — или новые грани своего восприятия.

  • PRO
    Room at the Beach
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    My favorite type of art is Beachscapes that are done by an amazing artist Will Pierce. His work is so beautiful and he offers so much customization. Pierce Fine Art ,William pierce

  • Rina
    vor 8 Jahren

    I have 'liked' only a couple of the comments above though so many more deserve it. What a beautiful discussion. I am very moved.

    I had occasion to visit a neighbour a couple of days ago, an 84-year-old Slovakian woman who has lived in South Africa (here) for many years. I previously knew her only from greetings as she walked her dogs, over the years. She was immensely gracious and showed me the linocut works of her late brother, hung in every room of her lovely cottage. They were breathtaking. Most of them were of the rural farms and houses in Slovakia that he knew would not outlive the modern area; one was of the house they lived in, in a town, and also showed the building where her shoemaker father made his "beautiful" shoes. All gone now. He was, I suppose, an expressionist. Each image was charged with most immense energy. I think he should have been world famous. But when I did a google search I could find nothing. Many great artists live to work always unknown. I hate that, but at least we can appreciate and honour their work when we are lucky enough to find it.

    I might add that she smiled and shrugged as she said, "Of course, I was his sister, so I was given the worst of them."

  • User
    vor 8 Jahren

    It depends. I like nature/animals and use them throughout the house. However, my favorite is family art. I have a gallery of paint by number, needlepoint, grandkid drawings; you name it. All framed and hanging on the wall. I also have two walls specifically for family pictures.

  • mschif47
    vor 8 Jahren

    I love watercolor paintings of "all things water"...seashells, lighthouses, sand craps, old boats, reflective sunsets, gentle waves, beach glass & rocks...if it lives, eats, enjoys water...I'm drawn to it.

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    So, mschif, you down by the sea playing craps a lot are you? Eating a lot of clams is it? brewhaha!

  • PRO
    vor 8 Jahren

    I absolutely love abstract art and incorporate at least one work into all of my design plans. Here are some rooms I designed recently with works from Z Gallerie, one of my favorite resources for abstract art (Horchow is another):

    Inspired by the Sapphire Blue Mediterranean Sea · Mehr Info

    Inspired by the Shapes, Patterns and Colors of Seashells · Mehr Info

    Inspired by the Shadings of a Sunrise · Mehr Info

    Inspired by the Reflections of the Sea · Mehr Info

  • Maureen
    vor 8 Jahren
    Zuletzt geändert: vor 8 Jahren

    I don't think I'm partial to one particular style..colors and subject are more important and we have oils, watercolors, charcoal sketches and black and white drawings as we like variety - abstract, landscape, etc. in various mediums.

  • PRO
    LeGrande Company
    vor 8 Jahren

    Having all the same kind of painting subject or style is quite boring. Many paintings can incorporate more that one of you describe as type.

  • User
    vor 8 Jahren

    I totally agree, LeGrande. Art is a wonderful way to express all facets of our personality while enjoying the fruits of amazingly talented people. I mentioned above some of my loves. My newest items tend to be more on the fun (or funny) side.

    Mad Hatter Deer Canvas Print - Best of Decor on Joss & Main · Mehr Info

    Mad Hatter Fox Canvas Print - Best of Decor on Joss & Main · Mehr Info

    Walking Shadow Turtles by Jason Ratliff (Canvas) by Curioos at Gilt · Mehr Info

    This last is an homage to my children and their 30 plus year love affair with the TNMT. :D

  • Rina
    vor 8 Jahren

    I like your style, Ms Whynottryit.

  • havingfun
    vor 8 Jahren

    me too!

  • sandiocd
    vor 8 Jahren
    Me three!
  • Krishna Prabha Singh
    vor 4 Jahren


    If you are an ART LOVER or Looking for some amazing and affordable large artwork for your boring walls. Check out our website www.krisaiart.com or www.etsy.com/in-en/shop/KrisaiArt

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