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Garten Ideen und Design

Very private backyard enclave
Very private backyard enclave
Morgan Howarth PhotographyMorgan Howarth Photography
Very private backyard enclave waterfall
Geometrischer, Halbschattiger Moderner Gartenwasserfall im Sommer, hinter dem Haus mit Natursteinplatten in Washington, D.C.
North Arlington Residence
North Arlington Residence
Katia  Goffin  GardensKatia Goffin Gardens
Woodland Garden: A curvaceous pea gravel path directs the visitor through the woodland garden located at the back and back side of the house. It is planted with drifts of Erie and Chindo Viburnumns, Oak leaf Hyrangeas, Astilbe, Ferns, Hostas.A row of hollies was added to block the view to the son's home. Photo credit: ROGER FOLEY
Woodland Retreat
Woodland Retreat
a Blade of Grassa Blade of Grass
Irregular bluestone stepper path and woodland shade garden.
Schattiger Klassischer Garten mit Natursteinplatten in Boston
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Romantic suburban garden
Romantic suburban garden
Jane Harries Garden DesignsJane Harries Garden Designs
The new lawn makes the garden seem bigger and deeper. It's a shallow garden with a point to the left, now concealed by trees and the swing seat. New planting contrasts purples, greys and greens. Jane Harries
Family Garden in Putney
Family Garden in Putney
Ruth Willmott AssociatesRuth Willmott Associates
Ruth Willmott
Geometrischer, Mittelgroßer Moderner Garten hinter dem Haus in London
Bayside Zen Garden | Bayside, WI
Bayside Zen Garden | Bayside, WI
LandCrafters, LLCLandCrafters, LLC
Behind the Tea House is a traditional Japanese raked garden. After much research we used bagged poultry grit in the raked garden. It had the perfect texture for raking. Gray granite cobbles and fashionettes were used for the border. A custom designed bamboo fence encloses the rear yard.
RDM ArchitectureRDM Architecture
This garden path was created next to the new master bedroom addition we designed as part of the Orr Residence renovation. The curving limestone paver path is defined by the plantings. RDM and the client selected plantings that are very happy in the shade as this part of the yard gets very little direct sunlight. Check out the rest of the Orr Residence photos as this project was all about outdoor living! This photo was one of the most popular "Design" images on Houzz in 2012 - http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/1435436/thumbs/pt=fdc1686efe3dfb19657036963f01ae47/Houzz--Best-of-Remodeling-2012---Landscapes - and added to over 11,000 Ideabooks
Formal Vegetable Garden
Formal Vegetable Garden
Offshoots, Inc.Offshoots, Inc.
A beautiful escape in your edible garden. Fruit trees create a privacy screen around a cedar pergola and raised vegetable beds.
Geometrischer Landhaus Garten im Sommer, hinter dem Haus mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung in Boston
Traditional Landscape
Traditional Landscape
Geometrischer Klassischer Gartenweg mit Natursteinplatten in Orange County
Stylish City Refuge
Stylish City Refuge
Hufnagel Landscape Design & Construction GroupHufnagel Landscape Design & Construction Group
Kleiner Moderner Garten hinter dem Haus mit Kübelpflanzen und Natursteinplatten in New York
Fulham Garden
Fulham Garden
Tom Howard Garden Design and LandscapingTom Howard Garden Design and Landscaping
Mittelgroßer Moderner Garten hinter dem Haus mit Natursteinplatten und direkter Sonneneinstrahlung in London
Gardens for LivingGardens for Living
Mittelgroßer, Schattiger Rustikaler Gartenweg im Sommer, hinter dem Haus mit Natursteinplatten in Charlotte
A San Rafael Garden
A San Rafael Garden
Simmonds & Associates, Inc.Simmonds & Associates, Inc.
Guest cottage forecourt, with flagstone paving, also created by removing a section of the driveway. The planting and pots compliment the style of the house. This garden has been featured on the Marin Ecological Garden Tour 2009 through 2011. Simmonds & Associates, Inc.
South County Succulents
South County Succulents
Gardens by Gabriel, Inc.Gardens by Gabriel, Inc.
A succulent collection in south San Luis Obispo County
Moderner Garten hinter dem Haus mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung in San Luis Obispo
Eleganter Stadtgarten
Eleganter Stadtgarten
besgen Landschaftsarchitekturbesgen Landschaftsarchitektur
Geometrischer, Kleiner, Halbschattiger Klassischer Garten im Sommer, neben dem Haus mit Blumenbeet, Pflastersteinen und Steinzaun in Bonn
Burns Backyard Renovation
Burns Backyard Renovation
Tellurian ConstructionTellurian Construction
Donny Mays Photography
Großer Moderner Garten hinter dem Haus mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung und Natursteinplatten in Portland
West Coast English Retreat
West Coast English Retreat
Tierra Madre Fine GardensTierra Madre Fine Gardens
Kleiner, Halbschattiger Moderner Kiesgarten hinter dem Haus mit Pergola in Sonstige
Tree of Life Backyard
Tree of Life Backyard
Board & VellumBoard & Vellum
Photo by Tina Witherspoon.
Mittelgroßer, Halbschattiger Eklektischer Garten neben dem Haus mit Gehweg und Natursteinplatten in Seattle

Garten Ideen und Design

Birds, Bees & Butterflies
Birds, Bees & Butterflies
Roxy DesignsRoxy Designs
Photo: © Jude Parkinson-Morgan
Halbschattiger Mediterraner Garten hinter dem Haus mit Natursteinplatten in San Francisco
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