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Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe Ideen und Design

Lake Norman - indoor-outdoor living
Lake Norman - indoor-outdoor living
Collaborative  Interior DesignCollaborative Interior Design
A vivid pink dutch door invites you in.
Mittelgroße Maritime Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Betonboden, Klöntür, roter Haustür, beigem Boden und Holzdielenwänden in Charlotte
Екатерина и Андрей Санниковы | ScandinaviЕкатерина и Андрей Санниковы | Scandinavi
Kleine Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Porzellan-Bodenfliesen, Einzeltür, schwarzer Haustür, schwarzem Boden, Tapetendecke und Tapetenwänden in Sonstige
The Barri Entry
The Barri Entry
Gary Streck Design BuildGary Streck Design Build
Mittelgroße Retro Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, hellem Holzboden, Einzeltür, schwarzer Haustür und braunem Boden in Boston
Villandry Circle
Villandry Circle
Hills & GrantHills & Grant
Photo: Lisa Petrole
Geräumige Moderne Haustür mit Betonboden, Einzeltür, hellbrauner Holzhaustür, grauem Boden und schwarzer Wandfarbe in San Francisco
Humphrey House
Humphrey House
Penny Black Interiors LLC.Penny Black Interiors LLC.
The architecture of this mid-century ranch in Portland’s West Hills oozes modernism’s core values. We wanted to focus on areas of the home that didn’t maximize the architectural beauty. The Client—a family of three, with Lucy the Great Dane, wanted to improve what was existing and update the kitchen and Jack and Jill Bathrooms, add some cool storage solutions and generally revamp the house. We totally reimagined the entry to provide a “wow” moment for all to enjoy whilst entering the property. A giant pivot door was used to replace the dated solid wood door and side light. We designed and built new open cabinetry in the kitchen allowing for more light in what was a dark spot. The kitchen got a makeover by reconfiguring the key elements and new concrete flooring, new stove, hood, bar, counter top, and a new lighting plan. Our work on the Humphrey House was featured in Dwell Magazine.
Geometrium - Студия дизайна интерьеровGeometrium - Студия дизайна интерьеров
Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, braunem Holzboden, Einzeltür, schwarzer Haustür und braunem Boden in Moskau
West Palm Beach Penthouse Renovation
West Palm Beach Penthouse Renovation
Cambridge Construction LLCCambridge Construction LLC
Ron Rosenzweig
Mittelgroße Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Einzeltür, weißer Haustür und braunem Boden in Miami
mid-century courtyard home / laguna niguel
mid-century courtyard home / laguna niguel
Moss Yaw Design studioMoss Yaw Design studio
the modern brick entry is accentuated by an angled natural wood trellis above the mid-century modern lavender entry door
Kleine Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Betonboden, Einzeltür, lila Haustür, grauem Boden, Holzdecke und Ziegelwänden in Orange County
YU InteriorYU Interior
Photography by: Joel Barbitta
Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Einzeltür, dunkler Holzhaustür, Porzellan-Bodenfliesen und grauem Boden in Perth
Zinc House
Zinc House
Ande Bunbury ArchitectsAnde Bunbury Architects
A dramatic shape and dark cladding and timber battens mark the entry of a modern metal-clad house
Kleine Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, braunem Holzboden, braunem Boden und vertäfelten Wänden in Melbourne
Große Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Backsteinboden, Drehtür und schwarzer Haustür in Sonstige
Lake Tahoe
Lake Tahoe
M. Designs ArchitectsM. Designs Architects
This retreat in the hills blends beautifully with its environment yet stands majestically on its own. A double height door, garage on the side and a deck overlooking the trees
Black & Wood
Black & Wood
Bellas ArtesBellas Artes
Mittelgroße Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Porzellan-Bodenfliesen, Drehtür, schwarzer Haustür und beigem Boden in Sonstige
Downsizing With Style
Downsizing With Style
Bon Brise Design, Inc.Bon Brise Design, Inc.
This contemporary condo has a fabulous entry way. The darker wood floors with the white side table is a fantastic contrasting feature. Photo Credit: Rolfe Hokanson Photography
Labrador Bay House
Labrador Bay House
VESP ArchitectsVESP Architects
The house is accessed by a steep private drive from the north. As you descend, the woodland provides glimpses of the new house – the roof forms appearing as ‘fallen leaves’ floating above a stone wall in the landscape. You arrive at the upper parking area, and from here a bridge sails across the courtyard below, framed between the house and car port. The bridge leads you to the large pivot front door. A view right through the house to the sea beyond is possible at this point, and expands into a full panorama once inside and standing on the ‘gin terrace’ mezzanine above the living room.
Trafalgar - New Home
Trafalgar - New Home
Big House Little HouseBig House Little House
Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Betonboden und Drehtür
Delray Noir
Delray Noir
Nikki Levy InteriorsNikki Levy Interiors
Everything and entry should be
Mittelgroße Klassische Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, hellem Holzboden, Doppeltür, weißer Haustür und grauem Boden in Miami
Highlands Eichler
Highlands Eichler
Cathie Hong InteriorsCathie Hong Interiors
This Eichler remodel consisted of a new kitchen, two bathrooms, laundry/mudroom, and new lighting and paint throughout. We updated the previously poorly renovated Mediterranean style to match the original midcentury architectural style with a Japandi twist to best reflect the homeowners' cultural and stylistic preferences.
Ratio House
Ratio House
Gelotte Hommas Drivdahl ArchitectureGelotte Hommas Drivdahl Architecture
A door composed entirely of golden rectangles.
Mittelgroße Retro Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Kalkstein, Drehtür, brauner Haustür und schwarzem Boden in Seattle
Umbau einer Bauernhoftenne in ein Wohnhaus mit Arztpraxis
Umbau einer Bauernhoftenne in ein Wohnhaus mit Arztpraxis
Moderne Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe, Einzeltür und schwarzer Haustür in München

Haustür mit schwarzer Wandfarbe Ideen und Design

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