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Möbeldesigner in Berlin

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115 von 115 Experten
115 Experten

Hervorgehobene Bewertungen für Möbeldesigner in Berlin

Reinhard Rotthaus
Möbeldesigner in Berlin
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen4. Juni 2015
“Mittlerweile haben wir schon drei gemeinsame Projekte durchgeführt und meine Wohnung wurde von mal zu mal schöner. Zwei weitere Projekte sind gerade in der Mache! Ich kann Herrn Rotthaus nur wärmstens empfehlen. Er hat eine besondere Liebe zur Materie Holz. Es macht einfach Spaß mit ihm zu arbeiten und er verdient mein vollstes Vertrauen.”
Georg Reinking Metalldesign
Möbeldesigner in Berlin
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen15. Mai 2020
“Hohe Qualität und künstlerischer anspruch. Saubere Verarbeitung mit liebe zum Detail. gute Transformation der alten Handwerkskunst und unsere heutige Zeit.”
Elissavitis Möbel
Möbeldesigner in Berlin
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen9. Februar 2017
“In short: Christian Lilge is an expert, not merely in his craft and use of materials, but in his design. At length: I have know Christian, the artful fine-woodworker behind Elissavitis Möbel, for 13 years now. I have seen his storyteller bent and original perception of life -- and space-- at work in each piece of furniture he makes. For my family, it began with a few key pieces. First, a round and ever-so-slightly upwardly convex dining table, out of gorgeous untreated maple. Then, a wondrously long bench, cleverly and tenderly titled "Auseinandersetzung." It is stark in form and boldly stated with Dutchman "butterfly" joints bridging the natural cleft in the wood, along the entire length. And, of course, a population of his button stools sweetens our everyday life with kids! I have witnessed the ingenuity of what goes on behind the scenes in his woodshop, and in the oases that are created every time he makes himself a new home. So, upon our own move this Fall, I was thrilled that some of that magic would be making its way into our new project! He and his team were creating our kitchen, and a large built-in wardrobe/wall between our entry and living room. The kitchen: I love to cook. And I have my own strong ideas about what's necessary in the kitchen, for example: two ovens, a very large single-basin sink, practical and easily maintained countertops, a fridge for a family of 5. But oh my, I want wood too, and warm aesthetics. And tons of storage space for our pottery, and stainless steel and iron cookware, but not messy abundance. All that in a historical residence, with 36 square feet and a potentially difficult layout. Christian was able to create the perfect kitchen for this space, and had creative ways of bringing in the elements we wanted at the budget we needed. And his impelling suggestions (no overhead cabinets?) warrant consideration - I still marvel at this choice, and for the heart of our house, I am glad for it. And I would be amiss to leave out; he's got a knack for colors. Houzz suggests reviewing deadlines: I am going to be candid and say, any time you choose to work with artisans of their trade, plan in wiggle room. You do this, because, every time you run your hands along the work-surface, or close that easy-slide wonderfully silent drawer, or sit at the table and see a kitchen that reflects you and ages with beauty, whose details in workmanship reveal themselves with elegant ease, you will further comprehend the value of that choice. And that Elissavitis Möbel is artisanry, I have no doubt. At the end of each project, the customer arrives a believer.”
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